Developing an idea for the individual project (Advanced Online Media)

During the individual project I am developing an idea that will be presented through one of these mediums/ways. Each of them as certain strengths and weaknesses and some of them will work better with my topic idea(s) than others.

Audio– It is known as the theatre of the mind, which makes it a great medium to work with, using the possibility of imagination. I could try and experiment with sounds and different noise to create an atmosphere or a picture in the mind of the listener. It is also ideal for interviews, because the listener is not distracted by pictures or other things and can fully concentrate and comprehend the conversation. However, listeners might be distracted while listening by doing other things and there no pictures to aid the story telling

Video– This medium is ideal in combination with powerful footage and pictures. That might help the story to have an even deeper impact on the viewer. Unless the footage is powerful, there is no point in using it cause it will be meaningless.

Infographics– Data Journalism is a good way to explain gathered data that is more complex and in-depth. This only works if there is enough data to use and explain.

live blogging– When something happens in the world e.g. attacks or on a lighter note an award show, live blogging this event is the ideal way to cover a story while it is developing. It is very time restricted and can only work for certain stories.

Ideas for the project: 

  • Future of the (London) theatre?// Theatre: The everlasting entertainment medium?  What makes it so interesting to people? What does theatre offer that movies do not? – Is it the possibility to see celebrities? How will stages and set change in the future and what part does technology play? What does the future hold for playwrights? Will there be more revivals or original plays? West End vs. Fringe Theatre. How can the theatre compete against movies and TV? Why do people still spend money on theatre?

As I am enthusiastic about the theatre, this topic would be great for me to research it in more depth and gain more knowledge. In the project I would like to answer at least several of the above questions in order to have a certain angle for the story.

  • Do theatre productions use celebrities just to raise the sales?

Younger generations may not be as interested in theatre, due to endless possibilities of entertainment, theatre may be the last choice or overlooked. Some might say it is old fashioned. However, according to figure published by the Society of London Theatres (SOLT) 2015 was a ‘healthy’ year for the industry.

Best way to tell the story?

For the project I’m in between audio or infographics. Both could bring a unique way of telling the story. Whereas I slightly lean more towards audio as I would like to interview people to add some colour to my original research and data. Infographics could help in creatively presenting data that I gather, with primary research (surveys) and secondary research.

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